Thursday, May 27, 2010

Home Staging Workshops June 2010 Asheville NC

Home Staging Workshops June 2010 Asheville NC

The Real Estate Home Staging School ™
is Accepting Enrollment for June 2010 Home Staging Workshops - Asheville, NC

Our 2 Day Hands-on Home Staging/Merchandising Skills Workshop
This Workshop is two days of intensive Hands-On home staging to learn and practice implementing home staging and merchandising skills. The excitement, knowledge and skill development provided in this workshop is vital to a home stager’s success. The home staging projects will strengthen the stager’s home staging knowledge and skills. While role playing enhances their ability to prepare appropriate bids, consultations and high quality reports.

Itinerary for 2 Day Home Staging Workshop
Day 1- 9am to 5pm (lunch provided)

Home Staging Project –

Intense Coverage of All Home Staging Principles and Core Competencies- conducted in an actual staging location.
▪ Hands-on Home Staging:
▪ You conduct an analysis of the Staging Project and prepare a written Staging Plan.
▪ You present your report to one of our staff members. Then implement your staging plan!
▪ The home staging class tours all of the staged rooms and each before picture, for thought provoking discussion.

Day 2- 9am to 5pm - (lunch provided)
Home Staging Projects -
Day 2

Morning Activities: conducted in an actual staging location.
▪ Instructions and guidance on Verbal Consultation with Written staging report.
▪ Role Play- You will conduct a walk-through consultation with the “homeowner”. Give specific recommendations based on your staging core competencies, merchandising guidelines and property issues. You will addresses the homeowner’s many questions.
▪ Prepare a written staging report on this property. Submit to Mentor for review and discussion

Afternoon Activities: conducted in a different room than the morning activities
▪ Prepare Design Board and a Bid on a Vacant Staging Room.
▪ Conduct a full presentation of your Design Board and bid to your Home Staging Class and Instructors.

A great staging plan is of no value if you cannot communicate that plan effectively to the client. Throughout the workshop activities, your communication skills verbally and in writing will be assessed and recommendations for improvement offered.

All Home Staging Graduates will receive their diploma and graduate materials during their graduation ceremony. Photos will be taken of all graduates to remember this event.

If you are interested in joining the home staging workshop and for more info. See our website for event dates.

For Business developement would be of benefit when added to the above workshop, please review our 3 Day Home Staging with Merchandising and Business Development Workshop here

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Home Staging Facts and Myths

Home Staging Facts and Myths

"Home Staging doesn't help sell properties that are lived in."
Home Staging Myth

Occupied Properties show a dramatic change after professional staging. These properties are also some of the most difficult to stage. These properties require staging and merchandising to produce and maintain a highly marketable property while being lived in. The experienced stager’s knowledge is vital to achieve a successful outcome.

"They told me to clean, de-clutter and bake some cookies. Isn’t that Home Staging?"

Home Staging MYTH

When someone tells you to clean, de-clutter and make repairs, They are discussing Pre-Staging. Pre-Staging has to be accomplished before the actual staging can be implemented. Professional Stagers may include these in their home staging and property merchandising report however they will only be the first steps to produce a highly desirable Ready-For- Market Property. If you are instructed to do the Pre-staging with just a few tips thrown in, Find an experienced Home Staging Professional. And as far a fresh baked cookies? You can send them to me :) (but don't bake for a showing- You are trying to get out the door and oh no- a burnt smell lasts a long time in a house)
Contact The Real Estate Home Staging School- We can help you locate a True Staging Professional

"I am a listing agent and want to offer home staging services to my clients. I am an addict to home staging shows on HGTV and am talented in decorating. I have seen online blogs saying if I have the talent I don’t need a home staging educational program. Is this true?"
Facts and Myth- Home Staging Today versus Home Staging Yesterday

Many of the online comments on home staging education addresses home staging yesterday, the way it used to be. (Making the property look pretty).
Home Staging has evolved from the decorating to the multi level requirements of really effective Home Staging and Merchandising. Having the talent to make a beautifully decorated property is only half of what is acceptable home staging of today.
A home staging professional must be knowledgeable in established property merchandising guidelines, experienced in problem solving skills and understand the psychology of the current real estate buyers. Adding these required skills to a beautifully staged property creates a top of the line highly desirable product for the current real estate market. These advanced skills are not taught on most entertaining shows.

These are afew question that we have received. If you have a question for our established home staging professionals or teachers, email it to