Thursday, July 1, 2010

How To Become A Home Stager - Free Class

Home Staging Training - Asheville, NC

On July 31, from 2pm to 5pm The Real Estate Home Staging School TM, based in Asheville, NC will offer a Free Introductory Class in Home Staging. Home Staging is one of the fastest growing home based businesses. If you are retired, retiring soon, looking for another career or an additional income source, you should attend this class to learn what Home Staging is and how to start your own home staging business.

After attending this FREE introductory class in Home Staging, you will understand these topics:

The Home Staging Industry- valuable information on home staging and how it applies to the real estate market.

The facts of life for a home staging professional (Real Life, not on TV)

Presentation and Discussion: Two Core Competencies: Pre-Staging and Visual Flow

Conducting a Home Staging Consultation

Business Start-up- where do you begin?

When you complete this free class, you will have everything you need to make a decision about whether you want pursue home staging as a career.

Contact us to reserve your seat. Go to and click on Contact Us or call 828-337-9954 or 828-658-1790.

Two successful local professional home stagers teach this course. Leslie Godbold of Asheville Stagers and Eileen Wheeler of The Asheville Home Staging Company are founders of The Real Estate Home Staging School TM .

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Home Staging Courses: How to start your own Home Staging Business

Home Staging Business Courses: How to start your own Home Staging Business

The Real Estate Home Staging School offers extensive education in home staging courses and home staging business owner courses.

We are approached by many potential students seeking an answer to "Why should I take your development course?" In this article we will address 2 main reasons that you should choose our home staging business development courses.

1. Our curriculum was created and is instructed by 2 separate home staging business owners. They,separately, created their own home staging business, managed their business in to become nationally recognized leaders in the home staging industry. And to have their businesses grow into established, profitable and successful home staging businesses. They know what it takes and how to achieve the success that You dream of. And They will teach their proven home staging methods!

2.Do You know how to create a successful Home Staging Business? Are you sure you are thinking about everything that needs to be planned and managed?

If you believe you already know how to start up and operate a home staging business- Keep Reading for just a few of the many topics that business owners must create and manage

Home Staging Business Topics:

Start up and maintaining-


  • Name-

  • Business classification (sole Proprietorship, Partnership, LLC, S corp, C corp etc)-

  • Business plan creation and up-date

  • Pricing

  • Establishing office procedures- customer service policies

  • Successful home Staging Marketing & Advertising Plans-Creating,Implementing and Altering

  • Inventory control

  • Bookkeeping

  • Delivery

  • and much more

    A new home staging business owner must cover these tasks and unfortunately this is only a partial list. Do you know the rest of the list?

Seem over whelming ? It isn't. Well...... it isn't hard for our students. We fully explain and discuss these important home staging business issues during our home staging business development courses. The home staging courses and the business development courses are available in our home study programs and/or training workshops.

Please visit our web site for more information on our home staging training courses and our home staging business development.

Our Home Staging Courses will be addressed in our article " With my talent, why do I need home staging training courses from your school?"

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Home Staging Courses - Build Your Brand

The Real Estate Home Staging School - Asheville, NC

Home Staging Business Branding

When you start any new business, unless you are already wealthy, it is likely you will not have a huge advertising budget. One lesson you will learn very quickly in the Home Staging field is word of mouth is your primary objective for business recognition. Just because you started this home staging business, doesn't mean that it will be the base of your "brand." It is more likely something unique about your home staging business will be your brand.

In our home staging courses, home study or home staging workshops, we teach students to dig deep to find their business proposition. Often, this takes the form of a series of questions we ask each student. These questions are designed to stimulate thought both from a personal perspective and the customer perspective.

The bottom line question is this, how will my product MAKE people talk about it? When your business delivers in a way that word of mouth sustains growth, then, you are building your brand. Once answered and added to the two other components of brand building, you complete the home staging brand building cycle.

To learn about how to build a brand, consider the home staging courses and home staging workshops at The Real Estate Home Staging School.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Home Staging Business: Organized Office Procedures put money in your pocket!

Home Staging Business Owners: Organized office procedures put Money in Your Pocket

Home Staging Business

Organizing your office and business procedures will save you- clients, time, stress and money. Of course business development must be organized correctly and you can get help by attending our business development workshop or course.
These business development programs are developed by our founders who have been there, done that as established and experienced home staging business owners.

Time- Time is money and you only have a limited supply. Time is lost when you or your employees are waiting. If they are not conducting their assigned tasks then it is a waste. This is where many organized procedures are not being used. Schedules must be established from the first step of a staging job until receiving another job from repeat customers. For example a 1 minute confirmation call can save 30 minutes, five dollars in gas and income from time lost from other projects not to mention client dissatisfaction

Clients- Customer Service is a dying art. When most people are asked what turned them against a business usually it is not a faulty product or having a slightly higher price. It is poor customer service. I.e. Late appointments, poor communication or unfulfilled promises. All of these areas should be addressed by established procedures in your home staging business

Stress- Stress is an over whelming factor in lost production. When a situation arises that takes the attention away from the home staging job, it could cost the home staging business a profit, the employee stress, the client dissatisfaction and the business owner late nights and possibly his business. Many situations are avoided by organized procedures.

Money in your pocket- Every extra step you and your employees have to take is costing your business money which translates into lower profit. If you had to make another trip because of a forgotten accessory or tool- that is gas, time and income lost. Having your procedures outlined, for all needed items and backup, then this could have been saved

Establishing organized office and business procedures are required in many areas of your business, from financial to delivery to marketing/sales and customer service. Establishing procedures during crisis time is a mistake. These should be established before opening your home staging doors and reviewed on a regular basis. Proper Crisis Management will make the difference between a disaster and a 1 minute hiccup.

The Real Estate Home Staging School tm which includes the creation of all procedures and policies. These courses are fine tuned for home staging and real estate related businesses.

Your clients will RAVE to others about your Home Staging Business- a professional well organized business that appreciates customer satisfaction!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Home Staging Courses: Listing Agents- What am I?

Home Staging Courses: Listing Agents- What am I?

I don’t speak a word
I don’t really use electricity
You don’t have to feed me
I don’t walk a tightrope
I don’t use a megaphone
I don’t have to be walked

I promote your listing 24/7
I welcome the potential buyers
I show your clients and potential clients that you are the best!
I showcase every feature of your listing
I work perfectly with your client to get the property ready to sell quicker
Every viewer can easily remember this property and what makes it special
I help raise your client’s profit and your Commission

What am I? Property Merchandising

If You want to provide Home Staging with Merchandising contact
The Real Estate Home Staging School for hands-on workshops and home staging courses at

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Home Staging Workshops June 2010 Asheville NC

Home Staging Workshops June 2010 Asheville NC

The Real Estate Home Staging School ™
is Accepting Enrollment for June 2010 Home Staging Workshops - Asheville, NC

Our 2 Day Hands-on Home Staging/Merchandising Skills Workshop
This Workshop is two days of intensive Hands-On home staging to learn and practice implementing home staging and merchandising skills. The excitement, knowledge and skill development provided in this workshop is vital to a home stager’s success. The home staging projects will strengthen the stager’s home staging knowledge and skills. While role playing enhances their ability to prepare appropriate bids, consultations and high quality reports.

Itinerary for 2 Day Home Staging Workshop
Day 1- 9am to 5pm (lunch provided)

Home Staging Project –

Intense Coverage of All Home Staging Principles and Core Competencies- conducted in an actual staging location.
▪ Hands-on Home Staging:
▪ You conduct an analysis of the Staging Project and prepare a written Staging Plan.
▪ You present your report to one of our staff members. Then implement your staging plan!
▪ The home staging class tours all of the staged rooms and each before picture, for thought provoking discussion.

Day 2- 9am to 5pm - (lunch provided)
Home Staging Projects -
Day 2

Morning Activities: conducted in an actual staging location.
▪ Instructions and guidance on Verbal Consultation with Written staging report.
▪ Role Play- You will conduct a walk-through consultation with the “homeowner”. Give specific recommendations based on your staging core competencies, merchandising guidelines and property issues. You will addresses the homeowner’s many questions.
▪ Prepare a written staging report on this property. Submit to Mentor for review and discussion

Afternoon Activities: conducted in a different room than the morning activities
▪ Prepare Design Board and a Bid on a Vacant Staging Room.
▪ Conduct a full presentation of your Design Board and bid to your Home Staging Class and Instructors.

A great staging plan is of no value if you cannot communicate that plan effectively to the client. Throughout the workshop activities, your communication skills verbally and in writing will be assessed and recommendations for improvement offered.

All Home Staging Graduates will receive their diploma and graduate materials during their graduation ceremony. Photos will be taken of all graduates to remember this event.

If you are interested in joining the home staging workshop and for more info. See our website for event dates.

For Business developement would be of benefit when added to the above workshop, please review our 3 Day Home Staging with Merchandising and Business Development Workshop here

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Home Staging Facts and Myths

Home Staging Facts and Myths

"Home Staging doesn't help sell properties that are lived in."
Home Staging Myth

Occupied Properties show a dramatic change after professional staging. These properties are also some of the most difficult to stage. These properties require staging and merchandising to produce and maintain a highly marketable property while being lived in. The experienced stager’s knowledge is vital to achieve a successful outcome.

"They told me to clean, de-clutter and bake some cookies. Isn’t that Home Staging?"

Home Staging MYTH

When someone tells you to clean, de-clutter and make repairs, They are discussing Pre-Staging. Pre-Staging has to be accomplished before the actual staging can be implemented. Professional Stagers may include these in their home staging and property merchandising report however they will only be the first steps to produce a highly desirable Ready-For- Market Property. If you are instructed to do the Pre-staging with just a few tips thrown in, Find an experienced Home Staging Professional. And as far a fresh baked cookies? You can send them to me :) (but don't bake for a showing- You are trying to get out the door and oh no- a burnt smell lasts a long time in a house)
Contact The Real Estate Home Staging School- We can help you locate a True Staging Professional

"I am a listing agent and want to offer home staging services to my clients. I am an addict to home staging shows on HGTV and am talented in decorating. I have seen online blogs saying if I have the talent I don’t need a home staging educational program. Is this true?"
Facts and Myth- Home Staging Today versus Home Staging Yesterday

Many of the online comments on home staging education addresses home staging yesterday, the way it used to be. (Making the property look pretty).
Home Staging has evolved from the decorating to the multi level requirements of really effective Home Staging and Merchandising. Having the talent to make a beautifully decorated property is only half of what is acceptable home staging of today.
A home staging professional must be knowledgeable in established property merchandising guidelines, experienced in problem solving skills and understand the psychology of the current real estate buyers. Adding these required skills to a beautifully staged property creates a top of the line highly desirable product for the current real estate market. These advanced skills are not taught on most entertaining shows.

These are afew question that we have received. If you have a question for our established home staging professionals or teachers, email it to

Friday, March 19, 2010

How to become a Home Stager - Free Introductory Class

Our next FREE Home Staging Class is being presented in Asheville NC area on April 12,2010 from 6-9pm. Public Welcome. Please RSVP to to reserve your seat.

Sometimes when we think about reaching for our dream, especially in business, we have doubts and questions. Is this the right field for me? What's involved in home staging ?Do I have the skills and knowledge to achieve my dream? What do I do to open my own home staging business?

To get your answers-Please join us for our free introduction to "Becoming a Home Stager"

FREE Introduction Topics Presented:
The Home Staging Industry- valuable information on home staging and how it applies to the real estate market
The facts of life for a home staging professional (Real Life, not on TV)
Presentation and Discussion :2 Core Competencies
Pre-Staging and Flow

Role Play Activity- Conducting a Home Staging Consultation
Business Startup- Where do we begin?

Our "in classroom" classes are conducted one night per week. Our Staging Program entails a 5 week commitment while Our Staging and Business Program requires 6 weeks for completion.

Elements of the Complete Home Staging Business Program include:

Insight into the Home Staging Industry, Markets and Economics
Buyer and Seller Psychology
Pre-Staging Requirements
Staging Core Competencies
Business Services
Build Your Business Model
Build Your Business
Build Your Business Policy and Procedure
Your COMPLETE Business Plan
A Compact Disk of before/after photos to practice consultation and report writing
2 Day Hands On Workshop
Booklet fo sample forms needed in the home staging business- contracts, bids, financial reports, etc.
Class and homework materials

Elements of the Complete Home Staging Program include:

Insight into the Home Staging Industry, Markets and Economics
Buyer and Seller Psychology
Pre-Staging Requirements
Staging Core Competencies
Business Services
A Compact Disk of before/after photos to practice consultation and report writing
2 Day Hands On Workshop
Booklet fo sample forms needed in the home staging business- contracts, bids, financial reports, etc.
Class and homework materials

For a full list of subjects covered in our programs and enrollment information, please visit our web site at Http://

This is a information packed 4 hour introduction. We must ask all interested to RSVP at with your contact info now to reserve your seat. All students must arrive promptly out of respect for other students
The reserved seating will determine the event location. The location and directions will be emailed to you at least a week prior to the event..

To speak with one of our instructors please call 337-9954 or 658-1790

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Why do I need a Business Plan?

Most Graduates, of The Real Estate Home Staging School, have created, with assistance from their mentor, a complete business plan prior to graduation. The plan lays out the business information and data needed to guide their business through normal operation, planning, growth and problem solving.

Having the written document is not the only benefit of creating a business plan. The main benefits are the knowledge and skills that are acquired from our programs. These achievements enable the student to make the needed business decisions to create the plan and understand how to utilize it.

The skills and knowledge are also vital in other aspects of a business. When a business owner does not have the ability to make timely decisions then the business suffers. The business may lose income, clients and their reputation by these delays Our graduates have the knowledge to be quick on their feet and make the right choices. They don’t have to guess!

An owner must establish policies and procedures prior to opening their doors. However the successful biz owner must have the ability to spot issues and make corrections. This is a never ending process! This ability is mandatory in all areas including sales, customer service, marketing and distribution.

During the course and fulfillment of assignments, many of the managerial skills are used repeatedly. The programs were designed to enable the owner to handle daily business situations and problems with perfected decision making, public relations and problem solving skills.

Our graduates know where they are going and how to get there!

For more information , please visit our web site at

Friday, February 5, 2010

How To Choose A Home Staging School

Once you have made the decision to become a Home Stager, the work begins!

We suggest you begin with writing down what you think you need to learn, and then what are the criteria on which you will make your decision. The criteria could follow the 3C’s.

What are the 3 C’s? Content. Convenience. Cost.

Content: Refer back to what you wrote, what you need to learn, and view potential staging school web sites to see if they offer what you need.

 If you need to learn the intellectual and physical aspects of home staging look for a course that focuses on Home Staging Skills.

 If you want to start your own home staging business look for a course that has a significant focus on the business building element of a home staging business.

 If you need one element of training only, choose a company that provides training modules for that element. You do not want to buy an element you do not need or want.

When you are researching potential home staging schools, remember the saying, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is not true. Also, some schools give you a bunch of “stuff” along with your training course. A t- shirt, hat, apron, book, picture hanging kit and the like. The money spent on these trinkets is coming out of the profit they are making on your course fee. You can buy trinkets later!

Convenience: Now, is this training something you will:

 accomplish from home on your schedule
 go to a classroom to learn
 travel to and incur that travel expense to accomplish
 try to find locally

With the commitments to our families, taking the kids to school, soccer practice, ballet lessons, it may be hard to commit to time away from the home. Others may be able to leave for a 3 or 4 day session in another city or state. What scenario fits your need? Determine that and use that criteria in your search for a Home Staging School.

These questions answer the C of Convenience.

Next, is Cost. How much am I willing to pay for the training?

You should start with an estimate of what you have available to spend on your training.

Determine the Total Cost of the class not just the school fee. If you have to travel, what will it cost in: time, gasoline, hotel, meal and tips, sitting fees, dog kennel fees. Consider all of the things that have to adjust to make the journey and assign a dollar value to add to the course fee for your total cost.

Often, leaving town and working in classroom environment is the best option. Some people learn well in groups and love the interaction. Others prefer the quiet and convenience of sitting at their home office or computer and working from there. Decide which will maximize your experience. Only you know the best environment for your specific learning experience.

Once you know this total cost figure for out of town training, calculate it for local training, home study training, and on-line training.

Only when you know the Cost, Content and Convenience should you make your decision. And, one word of caution, doing this research and analysis should take a while. Be Patient and Make A Good Choice.