Friday, February 5, 2010

How To Choose A Home Staging School

Once you have made the decision to become a Home Stager, the work begins!

We suggest you begin with writing down what you think you need to learn, and then what are the criteria on which you will make your decision. The criteria could follow the 3C’s.

What are the 3 C’s? Content. Convenience. Cost.

Content: Refer back to what you wrote, what you need to learn, and view potential staging school web sites to see if they offer what you need.

 If you need to learn the intellectual and physical aspects of home staging look for a course that focuses on Home Staging Skills.

 If you want to start your own home staging business look for a course that has a significant focus on the business building element of a home staging business.

 If you need one element of training only, choose a company that provides training modules for that element. You do not want to buy an element you do not need or want.

When you are researching potential home staging schools, remember the saying, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is not true. Also, some schools give you a bunch of “stuff” along with your training course. A t- shirt, hat, apron, book, picture hanging kit and the like. The money spent on these trinkets is coming out of the profit they are making on your course fee. You can buy trinkets later!

Convenience: Now, is this training something you will:

 accomplish from home on your schedule
 go to a classroom to learn
 travel to and incur that travel expense to accomplish
 try to find locally

With the commitments to our families, taking the kids to school, soccer practice, ballet lessons, it may be hard to commit to time away from the home. Others may be able to leave for a 3 or 4 day session in another city or state. What scenario fits your need? Determine that and use that criteria in your search for a Home Staging School.

These questions answer the C of Convenience.

Next, is Cost. How much am I willing to pay for the training?

You should start with an estimate of what you have available to spend on your training.

Determine the Total Cost of the class not just the school fee. If you have to travel, what will it cost in: time, gasoline, hotel, meal and tips, sitting fees, dog kennel fees. Consider all of the things that have to adjust to make the journey and assign a dollar value to add to the course fee for your total cost.

Often, leaving town and working in classroom environment is the best option. Some people learn well in groups and love the interaction. Others prefer the quiet and convenience of sitting at their home office or computer and working from there. Decide which will maximize your experience. Only you know the best environment for your specific learning experience.

Once you know this total cost figure for out of town training, calculate it for local training, home study training, and on-line training.

Only when you know the Cost, Content and Convenience should you make your decision. And, one word of caution, doing this research and analysis should take a while. Be Patient and Make A Good Choice.

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